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County Durham Injury Clinic offers musculoskeletal treatment, combining a variety of physical, manual, sports therapy methods depending on your requirement. Some clients may require regular maintenance sports massage to free up sore or tight muscles,  whilst others might require help with an injury or mobilising a stiff joint.

Sports Therapy

Sports Therapists are highly educated in dealing with musculoskeletal disorders, treating pain and injury through hands-on treatment modalities, rehabilitation and patient education. They focus on restoring, maintaining and maximising movement, relieving pain and increasing quality of life and use a number of techniques to achieve this.

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Sports Therapists are highly educated in dealing with musculoskeletal disorders, treating pain and injury through hands-on treatment modalities, rehabilitation and patient education. They focus on restoring, maintaining and maximising movement, relieving pain and increasing quality of life and use a number of techniques to achieve this.

Sports Therapy

This is a form of manual therapy which involves passive movements performed by a Sports Therapist on a vertebral or peripheral joint. Unlike joint manpulation, joint mobilisation are carried out in a manner and speed at which the client is in control and can ask to stop the movement at any time. Mobilisation works to maximise movement potential, restore and maintain healthy movement, reduce joint stiffness or pain, lengthen shortened tissue, reduce spasm and promote healing.  

Joint Mobilisation

Sports therapy techniques work to relieve pain or discomfort and increase movement. Any sort of discomfort causes stress, whether you are aware of it or not, thus helping to remove the discomfort will reduce stress levels and improve relaxation.

Stress relief, pain reduction and relaxation.

Manipulation of soft tissue to release tension, reduce pain, restore range of movement and promote good condition. It is ideal in treating injuries as well as a preventative treatment. It concentrates on the health of muscle and connective tissue. Sports massage is perfect pre and post gym sessions or whenever you're feeling tense or have a niggle!

Sports Massage

Kinesiotaping is a rehabilitative taping technique that is designed to facilitate the body’s natural healing process while providing support and stability to muscles and joints, without restricting the body’s range of motion. It can aid in bruising, swelling, supporting muscle and joints, lengthening tight contracted muscle and many other things.


​MLD is a specialised massage therapy which stimulates the lymphatic system, aiding the circulation of nutrients to the tissues and the removal of natural waste products from the body.
The proper functioning of the lymphatic system is critical to the bodies ability to operate at peak performance. This system drains fluids, detoxifies and regenerates tissues, filters out toxins and foreign substances and helps us maintain a healthy immune system. 

Manual Lymphatic Drainage (MLD)

Triggerpoint therapy is a technique which addresses areas of tension or contraction within a muscle which can cause referred pain, restricted movement and localised pain.

Triggerpoint Therapy

This involves an investigative process to try and distinguish where pain, injury or discomfort is coming from. A treatment plan is then formed using a range of sports therapy methods to try and relieve the problem. Home care advice is given to allow the client to continue management of the problem. Additional sessions can be made to assist in management and prevention of the problem.

Injury Assessment and Management

Oncology massage and bodywork is a specialist approach to manual therapy to help people manage their experience with cancer. 

Review of the scientific literature indicates oncology massage helps improve quality of life.  Benefits include improved relaxation, sleep, and immune function as well as relieving anxiety, pain, fatigue and nausea. Oncology therapists are trained to apply highly individualised treatments to comfort, nurture and support them in their process. 


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